Organizing your life online starts with an identity, and the best way to create your true identity online is through a fairly new technology called OpenID. OpenID providers allow you to create a simple link that can be used to login to hundreds of thousands of websites. Most of these providers will also give you the ability to create a profile that can be used to register to websites without having to re-type your personal information each time. You can get a list of the major OpenID Providers Here with a summary about what each of them has to offer. A neat thing is that you may even already have an OpenID from popular websites you already use. Visit
The main reason for getting an OpenID is because tens of thousands of websites are starting to use this system for registering and signing in. With an OpenID, you will eliminate the need of remembering many usernames and passwords.
I first suggest that you watch the following 2 OpenID Videos first.
The following steps will help you organize your life online with OpenID.
Step 1. Select an OpenID provider that is right for you. You can review and select a provider from our Review of OpenId Providers article or choose from one of the accounts you may already have.
Step 2. Register an account, and fill out all the information that is asked. You can put as little or as much data into some of these accounts as you wish. The more content and accounts you add, the better you can organize and control from one location.
Step 3. Login to a site you already use, or register to a new website anywhere you see the OpenID symbol. When signing in, you will see a form that looks like this.
You will then verify your account and setup if you want the website to remember you. And That IS IT!
Step 4. This step is a bonus. If you own a website, it is very easy to accept openid. You will allow visitors to register and login with extreme ease. You could even get access to profile data. There are many simple OpenID plugins to add to your WordPress blog or scripts to add to your social website.
The conclusion is that OpenID can be a great way for you to start organizing your life online. Create one username and password and never fill in registration data again. You will have one identity to control from one location. Isn’t that a great place to start organizing your life online?
Let me know what you think about OpenID and what it may be like in the future.
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