Social gaming fires up as more and more people embrace its existence. Zynga and Playfish, which has been acquired by Electronic Arts, are among the top world’s leaders in the creation and development of social games. Zynga’s motto,” Connecting the world through games” creates an excellent catch for the world to play better and more exciting games.
Social games received its greatest recognition on social networking sites such as Facebook. It is a primary factor in the growth of the networking sites. The games added provided more fun and excitement to the users. It creates a sense of authority and belongingness because the users are given the power on how to manage their game. It also allows them to keep in touch with their friends because of the games’ varied options.
Games made available by Zynga are as follows:
• Puzzle games: Path words, Scramble, and World Twist
• Card Games: Blackjack and Zynga Poker
• Role-playing Games: Cafe World, FarmVille, Fish Ville, Frontier Ville, PetVille, Treasure Isle, YoVille
• Other Games: Attack!, Dragon Wars, Fashion Wars, Friends for Sale, Ghost Racer, Guild of Heroes, My Heroes Ability, Pirates: Rule the Caribbean!, Street Racing, Sudoku, Texas Hold’Em, Triumph, Vampire Wars, WarStorm, Vampires: Bloodlist.
Playfish has also a list games for its users namely:
• Pet Society
• Restaurant City
• Who Has The Biggest Brain?
• Word Challenge
• Geo Challenge
• Bowling Buddies
• Crazy Planets
• Country Story
• Poker Rivals
• Gangster City
• Hotel City
• My Empire
• EA Sports FIFA Superstars
• Pirates Ahoy!
Farmville stays in the first place with almost 60 million players. Frontier Ville is the newest social game powered by Zynga while Playfish had just launched EA Sports FIFA Superstars in time with the 2010 FIFA World Cup played in South Africa.
Many individuals engage in social gaming and become addicted to it. Some networking sites have issues on scams regarding software downloads that is unapproved by the user or signing up for recurring subscriptions and other money matters. We must not forget that our social networking sites also uses credit cards as an option for us.
Players may purchase game credits through credit cards and Pay Pal. As of 2010, Zynga’s prepaid game cards with is equivalent as a virtual currency is selling in the market. Revenues are generated by advertising online and sale of virtual goods.
As advancement in the world of social games, there has been a development in using Smartphones for more accessibility and convenience. Social gaming continues to rise as our desire to stay connected!
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