Social Media Topic Strategy: Ice Cream Parlor
Topic: Ice Cream and Topping Combinations
Content: Many Ice cream parlors boast on the number of ice cream and topping combinations that are possible in their store. I have heard of something like in the 200,000 range. Why not create a video blog, taste testing different ice cream and topping combinations. Speaking for myself and probably many others, I can’t think too far outside of an ordinary ice cream pallet. And you know what? It doesn’t have to be just only toppings from your store. Allow followers to recommend their wacky and unheard of toppings that they enjoy.
But anyway, in the videos, create the selected ice cream. Let people know what you think it looks like, let them know what it smells like, and then finally let them know what it tastes like. Once you cover all of that, you can then give a full overview, and maybe even give it a rating. You can also give the ice cream a name if it doesn’t already have one. You can even have random visitors on your video blog who can help you with their thoughts of each step and selecting an overall rating.
You can even make the selection process fun. Maybe create some kind of spin will for selection of the type of ice cream and which toppings to use. If the selection is at random, your viewers know for a fact that you may land on something you don’t like. This will give you a better chance of truly giving your opinion.
Other Content: Ustream of filming episodes and questions and answers after each show. It would be create if viewers can watch the show, then ask all kinds of questions if they have them.
Give Away: Ice Cream coupons and/or free ice cream. Maybe you can even have give-a-ways for guest visits.
Sell: Ice cream, ice cream toppings, and you can maybe even create a book one day of all these different combinations to put on sale. I know for the toppings, many people have NO access to the large number of toppings an ice cream parlor can get their hands on. Sell the topics for people to make their ice creams at home too.
Market with social media: Just like most social media marketing strategies you want to distribute video episodes on 2-3 platforms. Take pictures of any guests and tag them in Facebook. Tweet everything! Facebook Fan page with an RSS and YouTube application to automatically add your content. Person producing the content needs to join 1-2 solid ice cream forums and become the leading expert revolved around his content.
For launching something like this, we recommend you join our Social Media Tips Newletter to receive our FREE Social Media Guide to help you along the way.
Let us know what you think about this strategy and if you may try it out.
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